Why Online College of Tarot Course for Free

Free College of Tarot Online Courses

I began teaching the Tarot at Camosun College in Victoria BC Canada in 1991. In 1994, I moved from Victoria to Kitchener ON where I continued to teach the tarot in several venues including community centres, and public libraries. I taught the Introductory and Intermediate classes at the Learning Annex in Toronto in the early 2000’s which were by far my largest classes! Some classes reached upwards of 40 students, some of whom became regular reading clients online to this day.

Free Tarot Course Online - College of Tarot

I retired the teaching aspect of my practice after 20 years (2011). In honour of the 10th anniversary of retiring as a teacher of the tarot, I’ve decided to offer College of Tarot – my course materials free of charge to anyone wishing to learn how to read this ancient and profound sacred text.

“Freda Crake, Master Tarot Reader at Tarot by Freya

Kathleen is an excellent Tarot Teacher. With her training I became a Tarot Reader and Teacher with an amazing following. I highly recommend Kathleen if you are considering learning the Tarot.”

College of Tarot – Tarot Cards for Everyone

Are you interested in learning Tarot cards? If yes, then you should definitely check out our course on Tarot cards. In this course, we will teach you how to read tarot cards and interpret their meanings.

The tarot card reading has become very popular over the years. People from all walks of life are now using these cards to get insights into their lives.

We will teach you how to identify the major arcana and minor arcana in the tarot deck. You will also learn how to read the cards and interpret their meanings in detail.

Tarot Course Online

The continuation of the independent study program in tarot reading involves practical application of the lessons learned. Once you’ve gone through the initial 5 lessons, the next phase is to deepen your understanding by practicing readings for various situations. This can be for yourself, friends, or even for volunteer clients who are open to being part of your learning process.

As you advance, you will discover that tarot reading is as much about intuition as it is about knowledge of the cards and spreads. It’s essential to trust the insights that come to you during readings, and reflect on the feedback you receive. This iterative process of read, interpret, and feedback is crucial for your growth as a tarot reader.

Additionally, exploring different tarot decks can enhance your connection to the imagery and symbolism within the cards. Each deck has its own artistic language and vibrational energy that can help unlock new perspectives.

Continued education is also important. Attending workshops, joining tarot communities, and learning from experienced readers can provide valuable insights that aren’t available in textbooks. Sharing experiences with peers can accelerate learning and offer support as you navigate the journey from beginner to adept reader.

Remember, the key to becoming a skilled tarot reader is practice, patience, and an open heart. With dedication and a genuine desire for understanding, the tarot will offer endless wisdom and guidance.

In the first 2 Lessons of College of Tarot I’m providing you with critical memorization KEYS to facilitate the absorption of all the meanings of the 78 Cards that comprise a classic Tarot deck. Without these memorization keys people are typically overwhelmed by all the material there is to learn!

Lesson One and Two which comprise the foundation of the academic section of this program, you will learn the,

  • Structure of the classic 78 Card Tarot deck,
  • Meanings of the Majors, Minors and Court Cards,
  • Meanings of the symbols depicted in the Tarot deck,
  • Larger psycho/spiritual messages conveyed in the Tarot,
  • Her/story, culture and psychology of the Tarot.

By the end of this study College of Tarot program, you will have a way forward to memorize the complete deck and understand the rationale for the symbolism used in each card. In Lesson 5 there are a series of quizzes and exercises to facilitate your memorization work.

Continuing your exploration in the mystical world of tarot, the journey goes much deeper than the surface interpretations of the cards. It’s about connecting the symbolic stories depicted on the cards with the collective unconscious that we all share. Learning the tarot is a transformative process, opening you to a more profound intuitive understanding not only of the cards but also of yourself and the world around you.

As we delve into the complex narratives held within each card, you begin to understand how the tarot acts as a mirror, reflecting your innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The imagery and symbols speak a language that transcends words, touching on the archetypes that reside in all of us. In studying the tarot, you are not only gaining insight into a tradition that has captivated minds for centuries but also embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Once you have memorized and grasped the meanings of the cards and learned some background intellectual pieces, your next challenge will be to translate the meaning of the cards to reading them in a meaningful and magical way for self and others. Lessons Three and Four offer unique insight into this complex art, including,

Lesson 5 includes exercises and a copy of the Final Exam that students were required to submit in writing at the second to final class to meet some of the criteria required to qualify for Certification.

College of Tarot: Learn Tarot Now

I want to be clear that I am no longer teaching or coaching students to readership. I do not respond to questions related to becoming a tarot reader for self and others. If you are seeking in-depth guidance, I would recommend you seek a practicing teacher to further your study.

Furthermore, to supplement these 5 Lessons, I also highly recommend you follow-up with some or all of the following activities,

  • Partner with someone like you who is excited but also serious about learning to read the Tarot,
  • Take videos of yourself doing readings that you can later analyze and improve upon,
  • Do further reading especially by authors with solid, intellectual might like Rachel Pollock, Cynthia Giles, Alexandra Genetti, and Julie Cuccia-Watts,
  • Offer to do readings for others in exchange for honest feedback in writing,
  • Record your dreams throughout your study because your unconscious mind will support your memorization, integration and synchronization work.

I wish you all the best in the pursuit of this challenging study task. It will deepen your spiritual practice, expand your horizons in directions you can now barely imagine. At the risk of sounding dramatic, this study will change you. You will not be the same person you are today reading this text a year from now. I’ve witnessed many profound changes in the lives of my students. Exciting and sometimes rather breath-taking. Inner changes provoke outer ones. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Psycho/Spiritual Monthly Newsletter Keep Changing Peoples Lives

Kathleen e-posts a Newsletter to stay in touch with clients and students of the esoteric. It’s a single page newsletter highlighted with reflections on spiritual development, psychic ability research, quotes, videos and recommended reading from well-written, credible books.

Blessings Kathleen

Tarot Study Online Free by Kathleen Meadows

College of Tarot Online

Free Online Tarot Course. College of Tarot | Free Tarot Card Reading Online Courses
Free Tarot Course Online